Ming-Yi Bai

Phone number: 0532-58630881

Fax number:

E-mail: baimingyi@sdu.edu.cn

Title: Professor


2003.9-2007.7, Ph.D., Botany, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China;

2000.9-2003.7, M.S., Botany, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang, China;

1996.9-2000.7, B.S., Botany, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu, China.

Professional Research Experience

2014.5- Present, Professor, Shandong University, Jinan, China;

2008.6-2014.5, Postdoctoral Researcher, Carnegie Institution for Science, Stanford, CA, USA;

2007.7-2008.6, Research Assistant, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China;

Research Interests

The research of my laboratory is mainly focused on how plant steroid hormone, brassinosteroid, regulates plant growth, development and the metabolism of carbon and nitrogen. We use a combinatory approach of biochemistry, genetics, genomics and proteomics in both model system Arabidopsis and major crop wheat to uncover

(1) how brassinosteroid integrates developmental and environmental signals to regulate plant growth and development;

(2) how brassinosteroid regulates the metabolism of carbonhydrate and nitrogen in plants;

(3) how brassinosteroid orchestrates the plant architecture to control the wheat yield.

Recent major publications:

1. Honglei Wang, Chao Han, Jia-Gang Wang, Xiaoqian Chu, Wen Shi, Lianmei Yao, Jie Chen , Wei Hao, Zhiping Deng, Min Fan, and Ming-Yi Bai*. (2022). Regulatory functions of cellular energy sensor SnRK1 for nitrate signalling through NLP7 repression. Nature Plants. 8(9):1094-1107.

2. Chao Han, Wenbo Hua, Jinge Li, Yan Qiao, Lianmei Yao, Wei Hao, Ruizi Li, Min Fan, Geert De Jaeger, Wenqiang Yang and Ming-Yi Bai*. (2022). TOR promotes guard cell starch degradation by regulating the activity of β-AMYLASE1 in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell. 34(3):1038-1053.

3. Wen Shi, Lingyan Wang, Lianmei Yao, Wei Hao, Chao Han, Min Fan, Wenfei Wang, and Ming-Yi Bai*. (2022). Spatially patterned hydrogen peroxide orchestrates stomatal development in Arabidopsis. Nature Communications. 13(1):5040.

4. Chao Han, Yan Qiao, Lianmei Yao, Wei Hao, Yue Liu, Wen Shi, Min Fan and Ming-Yi Bai*. (2022). TOR and SnRK1 fine tune SPEECHLESS transcription and protein stability to optimize stomatal development in response to exogenously supplied sugar. New Phytologist. 234(1):107-121.  

5. Yanchen Tian, Na Zhao, Minmin Wang, Wenying Zhou, Jieqiong Guo, Chao Han, Chuanen Zhou, Wenfei Wang, Shuang Wu, Wenqiang Tang, Min Fan and Ming-Yi Bai*. (2022). Integrated regulation of periclinal cell division by transcriptional module of BZR1-SHR in Arabidopsis roots. New Phytologist. 233(2):795-808.

6. Xiaoqian Chu#, Jia-Gang Wang#, Mingzhe Li, Shujuan Zhang, Yangyang Gao, Min Fan, Chao Han, Fengning Xiang, Genying Li, Yong Wang, Xiang Yu, Chenbing Xiang, and Ming-Yi Bai*. (2021) HBI transcription factor-mediated ROS homeostasis regulates nitrate signal transduction. The Plant Cell. 33(9): 3004-3021.

7. Na Zhao, Min Zhao, Yanchen Tian, Yichuan Wang, Chao Han, Min Fan, Hongwei Guo and Ming-Yi Bai* (2021). Interaction between BZR1 and EIN3 mediates signalling crosstalk between brassinosteroids and ethylene. New Phytologist. 232(6):2308-2323.

8. Xiaoqian Chu, Mingzhe Li, Shujuan Zhang, Min Fan, Chao Han, Fengning Xiang, Genying Li, Yong Wang, Cheng-bin Xiang, Jia-Gang Wang* and Ming-Yi Bai*. (2021). HBI1-TCP20 interaction positively regulates the CEPs-mediated systemic nitrate acquisition. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 63(5): 902-912.

9. Jin-Ge Li, Min Fan, Wenbo Hua, Yanchen Tian, Lian-Ge Chen, Yu Sun, Ming-Yi Bai*. (2020) Brassinosteroid and hydrogen peroxide interdependently induce stomatal opening by promoting guard cell starch degradation. The Plant Cell. 32: 984-999.

10. Chao Han, Yue Liu, Wen Shi, Yan Qiao, Lingyan Wang, Yanchen Tian, Min Fan, Zhiping Deng, On Sun Lau, Geert De Jaeger and Ming-Yi Bai*. (2020) KIN10 promotes stomatal development through stabilization of the SPEECHLESS transcription factor. Nature Communications, 11:4214

11. Lingyan Wang, Yanchen Tian, Wen Shi, Ping Yu, Yanfei Hu, Jinyang Lv, Chunxiang Fu, Min Fan* and Ming-Yi Bai*. (2020) The miR396-GRFs module mediates the prevention of photo-oxidative damage by brassinosteroids during seedling de-etiolation in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell. 32: 2525-2542.

12. Yanchen Tian, Min Fan, Zhaoxia Qin, Hongjun Lv, Minmin Wang, Zhe Zhang, Wenying Zhou, Na Zhao, Xiaohui Li, Chao Han, Zhaojun Ding, Wenfei Wang, Zhi-Yong Wang and Ming-Yi Bai*. (2018) Hydrogen peroxide positively regulates brassinosteroid signaling through oxidation of the BRASSINAZOLE-RESISTANT1 transcription factor. Nature Communications, 9:1063.

13. Huiyu Tian, Bingsheng Lv, Tingting Ding, Ming-Yi Bai* and Zhaojun Ding*. (2018) Auxin-BR Interaction Regulates Plant Growth and Development. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8:2256

14. Min Fan, Minmin Wang and Ming-Yi Bai*. (2016) Diverse roles of SERK family genes in plant growth, development and defense response. Science China Life Sciences. 59(9): 889-896.

15. Min Fan#, Ming-Yi Bai#, Jung-Gun Kim, Tina Wang, Eunkyoo Oh, Lawrence Chen, Chan Ho Park, Seung-Hyun Son, Seong-Ki Kim, Mary Beth Mudgett and Zhi-Yong Wang*. (2014). The bHLH Transcription Factor HBI1 Mediates the Trade-Off between Growth and Pathogen-Associated Molecular Pattern–Triggered Immunity in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell. 26(2): 828-41. (#equal contribution).

16. Ming-Yi Bai, Jian-Xiu Shang, Eunkyoo Oh, Yang Bai, Min Fan, Rodolfo Zentella, Tai-Ping Sun, and Zhi-Yong Wang*. (2012). Brassinosteroid, Gibberellin and Phytochrome Impinge on a Common Transcription Module in Arabidopsis. Nature Cell Biology. 14: 810-817.

17. Ming-Yi Bai, Min Fan, Eunkyoo Oh, and Zhi-Yong Wang*. (2012). A Triple Helix-Loop-Helix/Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Cascade Controls Cell Elongation Downstream of Multiple Hormonal and Environmental Signaling Pathways in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell. 24: 4917-4929.

18. Li-Ying Zhang#, Ming-Yi Bai#, Jianxia Wu#, Jia-Ying Zhu, Hao Wang, Zhiguo Zhang, Wenfei Wang, Yu Sun, Jun Zhao, Xuehui Sun, Hongjuan Yang, Yunyuan Xu, Soo-Hwan Kim, Shozo Fujioka, Wen-Hui Lin, Kang Chong, Tiegang Lu, Zhi-Yong Wang*. (2009). Antagonistic HLH/bHLH Transcription Factors Mediate Brassinosteroid Regulation of Cell Elongation and Plant Development in Rice and Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell. 21(12): 3767-3780 (#equal contribution).

19. Ming-Yi Bai, Li-Ying Zhang, Srinicas S. Gampala, Sheng-Wei Zhu, Wen-Yuan Song, Kang Chong*, Zhi-Yong Wang*. (2007). Functions of OsBZR1 and 14-3-3 Proteins in Brassinosteroid Signaling in Rice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 104 (34): 13839-13844.

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